How to Introduce Architecture to Your Kids and Why It’s Important

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Do your kids love to build towers, cities or playgrounds ? Do they play with Legos, blocks, or doll houses ? Petit Architect’s mission is to make architecture more accessible to children and youth and to inspire them them to become more educated and involved within their cities. 

It’s important to introduce our kids to architecture and here are three GREAT reasons why.

Help you kids to become aware of their built environment.

Architecture and Design are all around us, in fact, everything that wasn’t made by mother nature was conceptualized, designed, drawn by … a person. That is a powerful concept that can open kid’s minds to look at their surroundings with a new perspective !

Teach them to think outside the box !

Design thinking is a process for creative problem solving. It’s asking the right questions, creating innovative solutions, testing, experimenting, prototyping…  Once their is a problem, there is an opportunity to solve it. There is no right or wrong, no absolute answer, as it leads to experimenting and critical thinking. It’s very much like real life in that way.

Invite them to learn with their hands.

Imaginary play and hands-on learning are so important in our digital times ! In fact, some kids need to touch materials to learn best, this is the base of many alternative educations like Montessori, Steiner or Waldorf to name a few.

Cutting, gluing, painting, drawings…. are skills that matter and need not be forgotten as they are very useful in a design career, however, these skills are less and less taught in our regular schools.

So now the question is HOW do we introduce our kids to architecture. We’ve got you covered!

Here are 10 ways to introduce your kids to architecture and encourage design thinking !

1.      Build a fort, a tree house, a bridge, a tent… ! Let your child idealize, test, make mistakes and start over ! Learn about structures and construction first hand !

2.      Measure with your body ! Design and architecture is made for the use of people. Measure with your hands, your feet, your height. Proportions and human scale are essential to designing objects, furniture, houses, and building !

3.      Ask your kids to talk about their art, convey their ideas, speak up and clear. A big part of being a designer / an architect is to explain your design, and convince your audience !

4.      Learn about architecture styles and history by travelling (virtually) around the world. Different cultures have different ways of living and their houses look different ! That can be a great social study, history and geography activity.

5.      Learn about scales and proportions. This is a great way to learn how to apply math in real life. Multiplications, divisions, areas, perimeter, imperial and metric systems ! Architects use these concepts every day !

6.      Learn to draw like an architect! Draw a fruit in different views (plan, elevation, section), draw your bedroom’s floor plan…

7.      Let your kids help with construction projects around the house, teach them woodworking, or how to use tools like hammers and screwdrivers !

8.      Build things with blocks, legos, and all kind of materials… Let them design their own cities, houses, castles…

9. Download free online 3D modeling software like sketchup and start building 3d models online ! This is a great way to apply some of the previous concepts, engage older kids and still be creative even with a screen!

10.      Build a 3d model of a treehouse, beehouse, birdhouse, gingerbread house… Talk about scale and how to adapt the design to the user (the bee, the bird, the doll…)

Have you tried any of these activities? Comment below if you have!

Check out our downloadable classes for a fun introduction to architecture that your kid can do at home!



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