DIY Your Own Cardboard Christmas Tree

Are you looking for a kid friendly activity this holiday season? Or maybe you’re looking for more eco-friendly alternatives for decorations this year? While the holidays are full of excitement and magic, they’re also the most wasteful time of the year. From disposable wrapping to plastic decorations, the environmental impact is huge. We’ve finally tried something that we’ve been wanting to do for years, a cardboard Christmas Tree! This family-friendly project is budget-conscious, reduces waste, and allows kids to get involved in many different ways. Plus, it’s a beautiful reminder that sustainability can be at the heart of new holiday traditions.

Materials Needed

  • Large sheets of recycled cardboard (from boxes is easiest)

  • Pencil and long ruler

  • Utility knife (adult supervision required if you’re including your kids in this part)

  • Paint, markers, crayons, scrap fabric, old buttons, eco-friendly glitter, etc to decorate with

  • Glue

Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step One: Cut out your tree

Decide on the size of your tree. We had a friend gracious give us some Ikea boxes they were getting rid of so we were able to make a fairly big tree.

Measure out a triangle with a flat top and sketch the outline on your cardboard. Our cardboard was on the thinner side so we doubled up all our pieces.

All our pieces are the same size except the top piece which includes the full point of the triangle (see more photos below)

Step Two: Slots!

For a glueless 3D tree like we made, draw a slot in each piece to interlock them.

You can then slot them all into place to create your tree! We also slotted each section into the section below it instead of using glue or tape.

See the photos below.

Step Three: Gather your helper elves and decorate!

This is where you can let your kids really shine! We already had ornaments hanging around from other projects so we reused those for our cardboard tree. Our elves also made some ornaments themselves that we either taped on or poked holes in the cardboard and tied them on. This part is really up to you!

If you want, weave LED string lights around the tree (use battery-operated ones for safety).

Tips for Success

Involve the Kids: This project is a great opportunity to teach children about sustainability while also encouraging their creativity!

Get Creative with Shapes: Try stars, snowflakes, or other festive shapes to add flair and work on their geometry skills at the same time.

Reuse Materials: No need to buy new things, reuse materials you already have at home to make this a truly unique tree.

The holiday season has always been about creating memories with your friends and families. Making your own recycled Christmas tree is a fantastic way to create new memories every year. It’s a fun, creative, and special activity you can do with kids of all ages. So this year, give your holiday traditions an eco-conscious twist! Share your cardboard creations online and tag us to inspire others and spread the joy of a greener Christmas!

Happy crafting and happy holidays!


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