Let's Go On A Scavenger Hunt!: Outdoor Scavenger Hunt for Kids

The weather is getting nicer (here at least) and spending more time outdoors is a must in our books! Going for walks around your neighbourhood is a good way to stay active and it can be a great teaching opportunity. We like making our walks a little more exciting by introducing a scavenger hunt!

Lucky for you, we’ve put together a fun scavenger hunt that will allow you to teach about architecture and important building blocks in your community. For younger kids, you can help them to locate the things on the list but for older kids you can let them find things on their own and have them draw or take pictures of the things they find to show you.

We’ve included a written list and a printable version for you to enjoy. Have fun and stay creative!

The Building Blocks

  • foundation

  • columns

  • a colourful door

  • an arch


  • flowers

  • a bridge (for people, cars, or animals)

  • a walking path

  • a playground

  • a community garden


  • a fountain or pond

  • a statue

  • a old building

Around the city

  • a dog on a leash

  • a library

  • a mailbox

  • a fire station


  • a bus

  • someone on a bicycle

  • a stroller

  • a taxi


  • a pet in the window

  • a mural

  • a recycling bin

  • a solar panel


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