Holiday Gift Guide: Architecture Toys for Kids

In a world filled with screens and digital distractions, hands-on play remains a powerful force in shaping young minds. Architecture toys, with their tiny worlds of creativity, continue to be an inspiration for budding builders. Beyond entertainment, these toys play an important role in nurturing essential skills that lay the foundation for a child's development. Join us as we unwrap a curated holiday gift guide filled with fun and educational architecture toys perfect for aspiring architects.


Legos are a classic for young builders. Did you know they have an architecture section on their website?

Just Blocks

We’ve mentioned them before and we’ll mention them again! Simple block bundles FULL of creativity to allow for open ended play.

Stix & Brix

We’ve worked with Stix & Brix before in our camps and we’re a big fan! They have tons of kits to build the most amazing things.


Olabaà offers module architecture models that can be rebuilt time and time again.


You’ve built all these buildings and now what? Time to furnish them with Bubud’s help! Their instagram is full of inspiration!


Mindware has tons of toys and games for kids, but we’re especially fond of their building kits! Bridges, castles, houses, and more!

Coast to Coast

Uncommon Goods is a great place to source gifts. We love this architecture kit from Coast to Coast!


Arckit has tons of great looking building kits! We love that they have them organized by age and some kits are great for older kids.


A board game for 2-4 players where you create buildings to fit into the beautiful scenery around you.

Floor Plan

Floor plan is a game where you build new rooms with each roll of the dice. Players compete to design and decorate to satisfy the demands of their clients.


CitiesUp is a game where everyone is an investor and the goal is to build as much as you can and supply services to your city.


Makedo is a building kit that lets kids create whatever they want out of cardboard. Anything is possible from cardboard forts, vehicles, costumes, creatures and more.

By embracing these toys, we’re empowering the architects of the future, instilling in them a passion for design and the boundless possibilities of their own creativity. As parents, educators, and guardians, let us continue to support and encourage the exploration of these architecturally inspired playthings.

Happy reading and happy holidays!


Kids Halloween Costumes You Can Make With Boxes


Holiday Gift Guide: Architecture Books for Kids